Tuesday, November 22, 2011

aerial photography

This is an aerial photograph and they are used for remote sensing. Aerial photography is a good example of passive remote sensing.

planetable surveying

Planetable surveying is a part of the USGS mapping technique. Cartographers climb a vantage point and plot the areas that can be seen and measured in the field http://photographicplanetablesurveying.com/

Monday, November 21, 2011

unclassed choropleth map

An Unclassed Choropleth map is a map that doesn't have to classify the data displayed by using colors in proportion to the values of data. This map is based on the fertiity rates of Europe.

standardized choropleth map

Standarized choropleth maps gather information about a specific topic and its a type of thematic mapping that uses color to display the areas of information that they are talking about by using ranges and graduated color. They are also to interpret and understand. This image of a choropleth map lacks clearly being able to read because its taken from the air, but you can see the different colors that represent the type of land.

classed choropleth map

These are popular thematic maps because people understand them. A Classed Choropleth map is a map that classifies data. Colors are used to show the range of statistics of the variables. This classed choropleth map displays the homocide rate and compares the numbers through out the United States. The colors represent the numbers of deaths.
A Classed Choropleth map is a map that classifies data. Colors are used to show the range of statistics of the variables.

unstandardized choropleth maps

An Unstandardized Choropleth map is a map that have data plotted and presented in numerical values (raw values). Sometimes they will just give population numbers and not take into account the amount of land that those people are spread out on.

Acumulative line graph

An Accumulative Line Graph (Lorenz Curve) is a graph that shows the inequality, usually in wealth or size. This map shows the total defects of an object.